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This is a new system that BRC have introduced recently. If you have any issues, please contact Layla on 07795 164028 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance. 
Further details about joining an affiliated club are available here:


Benefits of Joining BRC

Joining HVRC gives you access to the following benefits from British Riding Clubs (BRC).

Become one of 34,000 members in more than 430 affiliated Riding Clubs and 50 Riding Centres as a member.

We aim to help riders across the UK develop their skills and enjoy riding. Our members have access to a broad range of opportunities for riders of all levels to compete, train and socialise. We also offer a host of additional benefits to our members. Check out our list of member benefits below.


As part of our mission to improve the standard of horsemanship in the UK, BRC offers comprehensive training including Horse Welfare and Equitation training and assessments.


As a member of BRC, you have access to our local and national competitions including Area Qualifiers and Championships. Our affiliated Riding Clubs also offer opportunities to ride in area points and inter-club competitions.

Horse Welfare Scheme

We want to ensure all horses in Britain are safe and well cared for. Our Horse Welfare Advisers offer equine management advice and support to BRC members.


BRC members have third party insurance cover while taking part in affiliated BRC-organised activities. For further information, contact South Essex Insurance Brokers (SEIB) on 0845 4500634 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Rider Magazine

A quarterly instalment of news, information and articles exclusively for BRC members.

BRC Membership card discounts

Use your membership card to receive fantastic discounts for a range of products from magazine subscriptions to pasture management products. Check our full list of member discounts below;

· Save up to 35% on a subscription to equestrian magazines Horse & Hound, Horse and Eventing when you call 0844 848 0848 and quote code MADD

· 5% discount on all wall, stable and trailer rubber matting. Tel: 01536 513456.

· 10% off NAF products at the online store with your BRC membership card, which is also your NAF Privilege Card.

· £5 off Freezemarking services at Farmkey. Tel: 0870 870 7107 or visit

· 30% discount when you join the BHS. Call 08701 201900 or join online: (offer applies to new members only and not renewing members. Each person applying must already be a BRC member) Offer valid until 31 December 2013.

· Discount at BHS TREC competitions, and eligibility to enter BHS TREC Championships and SEIB BHS TREC League.

· 5% off all orders from Jump4Joy (excludes jump cups) Tel: 01386 7933339

· 10% off Signam Products. Tel: 01926 417300 or visit 

· 5% off any purchase Kate Negus Saddlery. Tel: 0845 4308456 or visit

We hold numerous events throughout the year, usually at Woodnook Arena in Honley, details of which can be found on the events calendar.

We also encourage our members to take part in other local team events. There's no secret to representing the club at local, area or national level.

We also field both individuals and teams to the BRC Area Qualifiers which are held at various locations and include Dressage, Showjumping, Eventing and Showcross with classes for all capabilities. There are Junior and Senior competitions and the top teams/riders qualify for the BRC National Championships. Full details can be found HERE.

Course Walk, BRC National Horse Trials Championships 2015, Aston-Le-Walls

Holme Valley Riding Club hold various training events and clinics, both indoor and outdoor, throughout the year. Details are published on the calendar and in our monthly newsletters.

Somerford Park XC Training with Sue Chadwick


The Holme Valley Riding Club was established in 1968. Over the years we have grown, affiliated to the British Horse Society Riding Clubs Association and now boast around 100 members from the Holme Valley and beyond.


We welcome both junior and senior members and run a variety of activities and events throughout the year including training, lessons, social events and local competitions, as well as the opportunity to represent the club in Area 4 and national competitions.


Congratulations to our 70cm team - The BRC National Champions 2023


To get in touch, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or message us on Facebook and someone will get back to you ASAP.

Wendy Mulligan - Chairman   


I've been on the HVRC committee for a number of years, and can be found helping at most events. I don't compete any more, but still enjoy watching my horses at local, area and unaffiliated competitions.

 Layla Smith – Secretary 

Having ridden from a young age growing up in Cambridgeshire, it was inevitable horses would join me in the move to Yorkshire! Having taught at a local Riding School whilst at University I made many new 'horsey friends' and joined HVRC a number of years ago, competing on Binky, my now retired Appaloosa, on HVRC Show Jumping and Show Cross Teams. 

I then bought a lovely Irish Hunter, but seemed to spend more time on the floor than on board, and sadly after a few years decided we simply didn't get on well enough! I still have Binky enjoying retirement, but now have Claude too. He's only young, but has a sensible head and as I constantly battle with my nerves nowadays you'll probably see me in the secretary box more than on the horse! We are enjoying our dressage journey together though! :-) 

I look after membership so if you’ve got any queries let me know.  



Nicola Waterfield – Treasurer 

 I am the club treasurer, and also look after the HVRC dressage competitions and Area dressage teams.  


Vicky Oldroyd – PR and Website Officer 

I have been riding horses on and off since I was 5 years old. More recently I have been lucky enough to ride a variety of horses locally for some lovely owners, before they gifted me my lovely (and occasionally bonkers) mare Phyllis. She recently had a foal, Arthur, so i've been competing Bridget for the Mulligans for a couple of years now.

In the past I have successfully represented HVRC in teams at the Area qualifiers, and at BRC championships. I also try my hand at the majority of our local competitions. I enjoy training and competing both with the riding club and at unaffiliated level with varying degrees of success…. we always have a lovely day though! 


Michelle Howland – Safeguarding Officer 

I have been a committee member for just over a year, and I’m the designated safeguarding officer for the club. 

I have been riding for over 55 years. I was a member of Rockwood pony club in my youth. Then my passion for eventing took over. I have been a member of British Eventing for over 30 years alongside the riding club. 

My greatest achievement for the club was to attend the Festival of the horse championship in the show cross in 2012. A great day had by all. I now event at low Level 80cms and love the xc phase. 

I am married, I have 2 grown up children who rode. Also 2 grandchildren. My eldest has had her pony for a year. So the passion of horses continues in our family. My current horse is Kitty, an 8 year old Irish sport horse. She loves jumping, however she finds the dressage a challenge. 


Clair Hinchliffe 

I was born into an equestrian family, so I’ve had a lifelong passion for horses. My current horse Blue loves to jump, and can also produce a lovely dressage test. 

I am an active member of HVRC and have been on the committee for a few years now, regularly helping at local and area events. I enjoy representing the club at SJ and CT competitions and area qualifiers. We’ve also made it to the championships a few times. 

Outside of RC activities, we also regularly compete at BS. Blue loves going to shows and always aims to please, often bringing home a rosette. 



 Wendy Yates – Social Officer   

I have recently joined the committee as the social officer. Quite a challenge for someone who is essentially rather shy and doesn’t like crowds. But I love chatting and getting to know people. 

I rode in my youth in Cambridgeshire, firstly just around the farm on my 10.2 welsh thelwell. Then got bitten by the competition bug aged 14, and joined The Fitzwilliam Pony Club and Huntingdon and District riding club. I had so much fun in the next 8 years. A move away from home meant I needed to put riding on ‘hold’. I always hoped to come back to it - but wasn’t expecting it would be 35 years later!! 

So I now have a very sweet natured 14.1 called Sky who I enjoy doing a bit of anything with - showjumping up to 70cm, very baby cross country and dressage (which Sky isn’t a fan of). I enjoy the lessons, clinics and competitions put on by the riding club and even managed 2 clear rounds as part of a team recentlyI, optimistically, still harbour ambitions of eventingBut I’m just so pleased to be having fun doing what I’m doing, as a few years ago I really thought my days of enjoying the thrill of jumping (even at 70cm) were behind me. 

Being more involved in the riding club, is helping my confidence and skill as a rider, and in my role as Social Officer I’d like to encourage more people to make the most of all the riding club has to offer. I’d be pleased to hear from any of you with ideas for how we can develop our social side of the riding club. 

Other Committee Members 

Clare Hinchliffe 

Most people probably know me better as Auntie Clare - I've been a committee member for Holme Valley for many years, and have ridden on many Area teams and been to Championships numerous times on my brilliant horse Alf, and more recently on my youngster Finn.

Margaret Dale

 Horses are in my blood, so when I got to 591/3 I decided had better find out if I still wanted to rideAfter a short hack when I didn’t fall off and wasn’t terrified, I concluded that learning how to trot would be a good ideaSo riding lessons commencedI didn’t expect to move house to accommodate the horse, I didn’t expect to be the doting owner of two cobs and I didn’t expect to be thinking about learning how to jumpBut 11 years on – here I am. 

 The Holme Valley Riding Club is important to me and my horses and we have benefited hugely from our membershipI have met some very friendly people, who have encouraged and helped me and the events mean the horses get to go somewhere and do things they wouldn’t if they were just stuck at home. Being the chair of any organisation is a privilege and a wonderful way to meet people and learnSo encouraging other people to take on roles and coaching them, I see as part of the job.   

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the riding club.  







The Holme Valley Riding Club was established in 1968. Over the years we have grown, affiliated to the British Horse Society Riding Clubs Association and now boast around 100 members from the Holme Valley and beyond.


We welcome both junior and senior members and run a variety of activities and events throughout the year including training, lessons, social events and local competitions, as well as the opportunity to represent the club in Area 4 and national competitions. 


The link to join or renew membership for 2024 can be found HERE


This is a new system that BRC have introduced recently. If you have any issues, please contact Layla on 07795 164028 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in the first instance. 


Further details about joining an affiliated club are available HERE 


Track live results from BRC Area Shows here -